Wednesday 28 November 2012

A bit of boring stuff, really. Just felt like writing

Woke up this morning a bit angry at the world!  Now that I've eaten I feel much better :)  I actually had a really good, filling breakfast.  Who knew eating healthy could make one so full?!  Considering my old diet consisted of coffee, coffee, coffee, HUGE lunch because I was starving, then continue eating rubbish til bed.  Seems I replaced alcohol with food there for a while.  But I'm on track now, I've kept up with healthy eating all day yesterday (yey - not one cheat!) and have done 17 minutes of cardio every morning this week - that makes 4 days in a row.  Even lifted a few weights this morning.  Ok they were only 1 kg weights but I felt it.  Should give you an indication of how out of shape I am/ was!

I did up my to do list yesterday too.  I had 3 things on it and got them all done.  Pretty proud of myself.  Funny though, I did these three things and somehow my house ended up a mess.  None of the things were tidy the house.  So I need to account for that and not just take housework as a given. 

Today's list:
- call the bank
- call real estate agent about a house we like (yey!)
- vacumm house (haha - needs to be done!)

Also need to take the kids out this morning and oh ya - there is a sale on at our local fabric shop so obviously I have to go there! 

Must be on my way... so much to do :)

1 comment:

  1. Wow, it over here I call it the minutiae of life - just trying to find some meaning in the daily life activities - there is mindfulness meditation - where you practise finding attention to the smallest detail of daily life is satisfying and gives meaning - if that makes sense.
    Sober 100 Days
