Thursday, 3 May 2012

It's 8:55 pm and I'm sober

Yes, it's true!  And I'm so proud.  This is the first day in at least a week - possibly two - that I haven't drank.  And I haven't wanted to.  I've been meaning to write all day about things going through my head but have been so busy with... life.  I just want to write that I am not drinking today and I feel great about it (although quite hungover from yesterday... but allowing the hangover to happen rather than delaying it one more day by drinking again).

More tomorrow hopefully.... I hope to get time to write tomorrow!


  1. Yay for you! Enjoy your hangover-free day

    I hated the hangovers most of all. Worse than the shame, bewilderment, disappointment in myself and embarrassment. There was just something hideous about being a prisoner in a hungover body!

    Have a great sober day!


  2. Good for you!! Bet you felt good waking up this morning xxx

  3. The first few days of being sober are hard, but isn't it a great feeling knowing how strong you are being able to control yourself from drinking? It sort of gives you the confidence to say that you are still in control of your own body, and not the alcohol. Such a relieving feeling, isn't it?

    Dinah Gerdts
