Saturday, 5 January 2013

My first sober Christmas

Well obviously it isn't my first ever sober Christmas - I mean I didn't drink when I was a kid... and not when I was pregnant... but this is my first sober Christmas since I started my drinking career where I myself have chosen not to drink and not just gotten drunk or had sobriety forced on me because of pregnancy ;)  And I have to say, it was faaaarking hard!  I really wasn't expecting it.  I mean mentally I knew it would be difficult because we went to Australia to stay with my in-laws and that was always a party place for me - a place where I could drink relatively guilt free because I was on 'holiday' and everyone was drinking with me (or not, but everyone thought I was a hard-working mum who deserved the break). 

I guess I spent most of my time preparing for my brother in law's 40th birthday party and how I would deal with that.. . but I wasn't prepared for the day to day going-ons of Christmas and holiday drinking.  I arrived to my husband's 20 year old neice telling her boyfriend how 'awesome' I was and how funny I am sober, but man I'm really hilarious when I'm drunk.... and then she continued on saying 'I heard you're not drinking, who am I going to do shots with?!  You are the best to drink with!".  And I had such a hard time with this.  I really felt like I was facing my demons head on.  I suppose I was.  I was really unsure how I was going to deal with it all.  I wanted to blog for support/ to get things off my chest but couldn't due to computer issues there.  I just had to deal with it.  I talked to my hubby about it a bit.  I mean the thing is, I drank a lot because I loved it.  I didn't hate it.  And I knew I was heaps of fun ... and now I'm just not going to be that crazy funny hilarious do anything girl. 

BUT looking at it now, I think way more clearly about it.  I mean why do I want to be a party animal to a 20 year old?  I'm 40 now.  That's actually a bit embarrasing.  And that's part of why I quit drinking.  Oh well, no more having to listen to droning on drunk people talk about stuff I don't give a rat's ass about just so I can bum smokes from them ... smokes that I will feel sooo guilty for having when I wake the next day.  So I made it through that night.

I also made it through the bday party.  BIL (brother-in-law) had a family bbq during the day which was nice so I could be a part of something.  By this point I had started talking about my not drinking.  It was still super hard being there because everyone was drinking and I felt like a boring old person.  But then I left, and as soon as I left the pressure on my chest left as well.  I drove around the area with my kids and stopped at McDonald's on the way home.  It was actually really great, me and my 2 boys sitting there having a little treat and me just laughing at them being cute.  I realised I would've missed out on this if I was drinking.  And I wouldn't have even known that I was missing out on this because I would've been too focussed on getting drunk!

So I made it through the holiday and woke up every day feeling great - even if I was tired.  I never had a hang over, I never stayed up too late, I read my book on my new e-reader (bday gift from my hubbie - LOVE!!! it) and I did heaps HEAPS of fabric shopping and clothes shopping ... and still spent far less than I would've drinking.  And now I'm back home in the safety of my house and my little life that makes not drinking much easier. 


  1. Wow, welcome to Australia! Notice how much crap there is about drinking being so much a part of the national psyche? The what the? Anyway, glad you stayed true to yourself and maintained your dignity and sobriety.

    1. Thanks :) Ya .. I used to live in Australia but I drank at the time so loved the 'acceptability' of the drinking culture. Really noticed it this time for sure!! Hopefully this is as tough as it's going to get for me ;)
