Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Sugar sugar, turns out you are not my friend

So after three weeks of being sober I decided to start a diet.  I'm really unhappy with my weight and need to lose about 20 kg.  I did the whole counting calories thing and by the first weekend I was ready for a drink.  I quickly decided that I would not diet and cancelled the whole thing because I realised that when I drank, I used to not eat so that the alcohol would affect me faster/ better etc.  So when I'm really hungry, I crave red wine.  So no calorie counting for me!  Too risky.

But I was still really unhappy with my energy levels, my weight and my exhaustion.  I had a friend come visit for a couple of weeks and she did the 17 day diet.  I'm sure everyone else has heard of this but apparently I have been living under a rock and I hadn't.  I've tried to do cleanses before and have failed miserably.  But this one seems safe, seems like you still get lots of nutrition but can still rid your body of all the toxins.  I figure since I've ridded myself of alcohol, I should get the sugar out too.

Today is the morning of day 4 and I honestly can't believe what a difference I feel!  You know I hate people that go on and on about the perils of sugar - mostly because I felt guilty because I love sugar and all the yummy good-flavour it brings.  But man - I was addicted to sugar too!  How do I know?  Withdrawals.  But my experience with coming off alcohol has taught me to recognise what they are and not mistake them for cravings.  So ya, no sugar for 3 days and today I have so much energy.  Last night I slept like a log and was even able to fall quickly back to sleep after each boy woke through the night (normally I'd be up for an hour or so).  I even got out of bed with my oldest and was able to nap on the couch for a bit while he watched tv (bad mum but good rest!).  Heaps of energy!  It's awesome!!  Especially when I have 2 and 4 year old boys!!  And I'm just in a better mood, happier.  Who knew?

And the best is that my husband and I and a small group of friends are doing a 'biggest loser' competition.  We've all put in $20 and whoever loses the most by Christmas gets the pot.  Not that it's about the money - it's about the glory haha!!! 

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